Pablo Escobar AKA the NervousPooper:
In this episode, we discuss the blood soaked reign of
cocaine induced tyranny by the nervous pooper
himself, Pablo Escobar. Incase you have ever
pondered to yourself in the deepest darkest recesses
of your mind, “do I have what it takes to be a drug
lord?”, you need look no further.In this episode we
will be asking the hard questions.Would you make
people pay you to NOT steal their car? Would you
own 800 safe houses and install the exact same toilet
in each one of them so you can have the same bowel
moving experience no matter where you are hiding
from the Fuzz? Would you convince the government
to allow you to build your very own prison and after
you served your time (in the gym, casino, club, all
things your prison contains)convert it into a vacation
resort? If you answered yes to any of these questions
of evil ingenuity, then you might have a friend in
Pablo. Also, you might be the nextScarface.
Source: “Killing Pablo” – MarkBowden
Source: “Manhunters” – Steve Murphy& Javier Pena