Episode 9

Project Chameleo and the Invisible Midgets

In this episode, we discuss how the powers at be

utilized Project Chameleo to wage the ultimate psy-op

against an unsuspecting, already brain addled crack

head named Dion. And in case you were drawn in by

the episode title, yes, invisible midgets are in no short

supply in this story. Ah the irony. In the words of your

favorite infomercial, “but wait, there’s more!” From the

unseen vertically challenged we venture into events

 that lack no degree of ridiculousness and hilarity. Dion

reports the rooms in his apartment increase and

decrease in size as well as all manner of crazy 3D

life-like images being broadcast on his walls. In

addition to this, let’s throw in some stolen military

night-vision goggles and a DOD laptop as well as

NCIS involvement and a predator drone. This fiesta

wouldn’t be complete though without also mentioning

a Mexican guy named Chino with a 13inch churro.

Yes, that really is part of the story. By the end of this

all, you’ll either be a firm believer or desperately trying

to get ahold of whatever Dion was smoking.

Source: “Chameleo” – Robbert Guffey